How are you feeling?
When people ask me that question lately I’m not sure how to respond (honestly, it depends on the moment you ask). It’s an intense time for all of us and nothing is “normal.” This is clearly a defining moment of change, and we are each being asked to pause, look at our lives with new perspective, and honor the interconnectedness of all life (more on that in another post).
There’s a lot to feel right now, especially with so many of our typical distractions and numbing agents stripped away. Suddenly, we're being asked to BE with ourselves in new ways. I’m doing my best to show up for it— for myself, for my people. To be gentle with myself and others knowing we’re all doing the best we can in the face of so much uncertainty. To honor what my body says she needs TODAY (and sometimes that changes hour to hour).
Each day I ask myself and my body: “How can I best support you today? How do you want to feel? ” Then I try to do ONE thing that will help me feel that way. Usually it starts with a few big, deep breaths.
In this time of visible imbalance, sickness and dis-ease for people and the planet, I’m focusing on the medicine that works best for me and the unique medicine I can share with others. For myself, I’m simplifying everything and getting back to the basics:
lots of water
going to bed earlier
increasing my supplements, especially this immune-boosting antioxidant I SWEAR by
grounding in what I'm grateful for, every single day
taking long walks outside with my dog (6ft from other humans, of course)
starting a garden in my backyard (a dream I've had for years!)
and creating intentional time for my breathwork practice
As for the medicine I feel called to share with others, I’m feeling inspired to create more virtual ways for you to engage with breathwork to help you release overwhelm and anxiety and give your overstressed nervous system a chance to truly rest. My first virtual circle is this Sunday, and I'd love for you to join.
I invite you to think about these things too:
What do you truly need for yourself right now? (and allow yourself to ask for what you need and receive it).
What unique gifts do you feel inspired to share with others? (and enjoy the gift of offering, if you feel resourced enough to do it).
There is no “right” way to feel right now. So, whatever you need to do to adjust to your new normal, whatever you’re feeling, I hope you know it’s ok.
It’s also ok to give yourself permission to unravel, to grieve your losses (there are so many, big and small), to get rest (isn’t that we’re being called to do now?), to take the space and time you need to look within and quietly listen in to a deeper part of yourself that may have something to teach you now.
I’m listening in, deeply. And if you would like to share what you’re learning, I’m here. You might be experiencing it on your own, but you are not alone.